We want you to write for us!

Your perspective as a super creator is your own. If you are enchanted by our work, it's likely you have an equally unique gift to share. If you are thrilled by freaky charm, creative genius or rich wizardry, consider sharing your thrilling lessons with the world!

Hypnosis Submission Guidelines

Please send your recording as a compressed MP3 via email to charms@enchantments.club. You can compress and edit your recording in itunes.

Make sure your recording has the following elements:

  1. It includes a catchy, irresistible title. For more info about writing catchy titles.
  2.  It includes at least one link in the body of the write to other essays on the ENCHANTMENTS website. Cross-pollination is key!
  3. It features at one 620 pixel-wide images along with attribution links to the original sites where you found the image.
  4. It includes at least one paragraph summarizing the creation and detailing what the reader should hope to gain from the meditation or hypnosis.
  5. Keep your recording between 10-45 minutes. 
  6. Do not use copyrighted music in the background. If you create your own music, please provide written permission to use your composition royalty free.
  7. Do your best to exclude stutters and stammers throughout your recording. If you stutter more than twice within 10 minutes, rerecord.
  8. Make sure your recording is free of background noise and distractions. 

Some DOs and DON’Ts:

  • Double and triple check your grammar and spelling!!!
  • Although it can be difficult sometimes, keep your sentences short.
  • Use different beginnings for your sentences to have your writing flow smoothly.
  • Avoid hyper-detailed “dear diary”-like lists if not absolutely necessary for getting your point across.
  • Generally speaking: Re-read your piece and make sure you focus on your message and don’t get side-tracked: the reader will get sidetracked, too, and thus you’ll lose her.
  • Please refrain from excessive formatting (CAPS galore, using bold or italic in every other sentence). Keep it simple – we make sure your piece will shine and take care of the formatting. Your most important formatting task is to break up your piece into 2-3 sentence chunks and provide the title in CAPS.
  • Remember that the title and the featured image decide about whether or not someone clicks and reads your article: find a title that catches the essence/theme of your writing. Don’t get too abstract or too low-key: aim to grab your reader’s attention by making sure your title and image transmit gravity and meaning.
  • Keep your bio short and exciting. It can (and should) contain links to your website and Social Media, and two or three sentences about who you are and what you do. Readers can always learn more by clicking your links.


When you send us your essay, definitely include at the bottom a medium-sized author photo of yourself (about 300 x 300) and a short bio.

Feel free to include links in the bio to your personal or business websites – in fact, PLEASE DO include links in your bio because this is a great way for you to grow your audience and for other magical people to connect with you.

Article Submission Guidelines

Please send your essay as both a Word document (NO dropbox links), and copied-and-pasted into the body of your email to charms@enchantments.club.

Make sure your essay has the following elements:

  1. It includes a catchy, irresistible title. For more info about writing catchy titles, refer to this helpful Copyblogger post. 
  2.  It includes at least three links in the body of the essay to other essays on the ENCHANTMENTS website. Cross-pollination is key!
  3. It features at least three 620 pixel-wide images along with attribution links to the original sites where you found those images.

Some DOs and DON’Ts:

  • Double and triple check your grammar and spelling!!!
  • Although it can be difficult sometimes, keep your sentences short.
  • Use different beginnings for your sentences to have your writing flow smoothly.
  • Avoid hyper-detailed “dear diary”-like lists if not absolutely necessary for getting your point across.
  • Generally speaking: Re-read your piece and make sure you focus on your message and don’t get side-tracked: the reader will get sidetracked, too, and thus you’ll lose her.
  • Please refrain from excessive formatting (CAPS galore, using bold or italic in every other sentence). Keep it simple – we make sure your piece will shine and take care of the formatting. Your most important formatting task is to break up your piece into 2-3 sentence chunks and provide the title in CAPS.
  • Remember that the title and the featured image decide about whether or not someone clicks and reads your article: find a title that catches the essence/theme of your writing. Don’t get too abstract or too low-key: aim to grab your reader’s attention by making sure your title and image transmit gravity and meaning.
  • Keep your bio short and exciting. It can (and should) contain links to your website and Social Media, and two or three sentences about who you are and what you do. Readers can always learn more by clicking your links.


When you send us your essay, definitely include at the bottom a medium-sized author photo of yourself (about 300 x 300) and a short bio.

Feel free to include links in the bio to your personal or business websites – in fact, PLEASE DO include links in your bio because this is a great way for you to grow your audience and for other magical people to connect with you.